
Confirmation Journey – 6. Spiritual Practices

(Additional Reading Pages 53-73 “Basics of the Christian Faith -  Made Easy.”

 A DAILY QUIET TIME (From Eric Liddell - 'The Disciplines of the Christian Life') 

One way to know God is to spend time with God each day. Set aside a specific time for prayer and Bible study and plan to stick to it every day. If you make it in the morning it will set the course for the rest of the day. Here are some suggestions to help you make the most of that time.

1. Be Still. God, the source of all truth and love, is here. Take time to realize God's presence. Be glad that God speaks when we listen and hears when we pray. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who lives in us. 'Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name'.

2. For what are you especially thankful this morning? Name some of God's gifts to you; friends, family, lessons learned, challenge of difficulties, new responsibilities, etc. Thank God particularly for Jesus Christ, and the freedom He has given you. 'Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength.'

3. Accept Jesus Christ into your life for TODAY, with all His qualities of outgoing love, honesty, purity, and unselfishness, and with His passion to do God's will. Where you failed yesterday to measure up to Christ's standards, be honest about it; accept promptly God's forgiveness and release in the power of the Holy Spirit; get up and go in His strength. 'Create in me a clean heart , O God' (Psalm 51:10) 'Go and sin no more' (John 8:11)

4. In the light of God's love and the world's needs, what new responsibilities for people and situations does God want you to make today? Find out God's plan. Make notes of the things you feel God is calling you to do, people to pray for etc. Listen to God and obey fearlessly throughout the day. 'In the world you have trouble, but courage! - I have conquered the world' (John 16:33)

5. What new message has God for you from the Bible this morning? What new light does your study throw on God's plan for the world and your part in it? 'If anyone loves me, he will obey my word' (John 14:15)

6. Remember your duty today is to witness for God, by example, character, in your home, at your school or college, at your place of work and in your spare time. Be ready to witness to God's grace, mercy, and guidance. Be alert to pass on any message that would help or cheer another. You have prayed 'Thy kingdom Come'. How are you going to help God answer that prayer?”

(Eric Liddell - Olympic Gold winning runner - 'Chariots of Fire' - Missionary in China)


BIBLE MEDITATION (From the Book “The School of Prayer” by Olive Wyon)

Find a way that suits your temperament. To some extent the method you choose will depend upon the imagery which you normally use when thinking about any subject. Do you see things in your mind or do you hear words and sounds when you are thinking? Or do you tend to put everything into words which you say silently to yourself? A little self-examination will reveal the way your mind works most easily, and you can choose a way of meditation that will fit with your state of mind.

One practical point: unless you find it a distraction, use a note-book; for most of us writing helps to fix our attention and imprints our thoughts into our memory. (If you are an exceptionally visual person you may wish to draw or doodle).

A simple exercise; Choose an incident from one of the Gospels.

1) Pick out and write down all the people present in the scene.

2) Describe the scene: make it as visible as possible, till you can almost see and hear and feel the incident.  Note how each person in the story acts and speaks and try to enter into their minds; make an effort to understand them; and see each one in relation to Jesus, the central figure in each scene.

3) Answer the following questions;
•    What does this story teach me about God?
•    What does this story teach me about myself?
•    What does this story teach me about the will of God for me, and my life? (i.e. my attitude towards other people, my actual daily life?)

   4) Turn what you have learned into a short, sincere   prayer, in your own words, asking God to help you carry something of what you have seen into your daily life.

   5) If you can pick out a word or phrase, from the passage in question, or a verse of a hymn or song, which sums up your meditation, carry it away with you. Write it down in a place you can find it again!

“Teach us how to pray” – The Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2)

Our Father, who art in heaven
We pray as a community! God is “OURS”. It's not just about us, it's about all of us.
A Heavenly Father (not an earthly one!)
Not distant, but surrounding us with love.
'The knowledge we are in God's presence is the ground of every prayer' (R.J.H. Steuart)

Hallowed be Thy name.
God is wholly holy. Love that defines all other loves.
Self-giving Jesus love. Name above all names.
'All that we have and all that we are is to be offered to God' (Olive Wyon)

Thy Kingdom come
God is Kingdom building, not building our personal empire. Don't confuse the two!
'Reign in my heart. Reign in my will. Reign in my thoughts. Here am I; send me'

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

We were made for God's glory.  
'Prayer is the lifting up of our hearts and minds to God to worship Him; that is, to give ourselves to Him that His will may be done, and done as far as possible through us” (E. L. Strong)

Give us this day our daily bread
Carry on giving us what we need to get through each day.  Manna in the wildreness!
“Do not start worrying' Where will my food come from? Or my drink?” (Matthew 6)

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
Sins. Trespasses. Debts.  These stop us really living.
Restore our relationships.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
Keep us out of trouble. All of us. Deliver us from the bad stuff!

 For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever.
It's all in God's hands. Leave it there.
Starts, Carries on and finishes with God.

'Much obliged' So be it!