
Dare To Dream 4

Dare To Dream – 4 “Lose your Big Buts”

Think about the questions from last session:
  • What struggles in your life have you had to overcome?
  • How have those struggles defined you?
Jot down your birth date followed by a dash. Obviously we cannot know the dates of our deaths, but we do know that we have a limited time between the dash and the addition of that final date on a grave marker. Keep this fact in mind as we explore the excuses we hold onto, and the self-limiting beliefs we all tend to internalize, that come from inside and outside.

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Imagine being eighty years old and receiving a calling from God such as Moses received. Moses’ response in this session’s Scripture reading is to come up with a number of excuses, which Slaughter calls “big buts.”

• Mike Slaughter observes that if you feel qualified for your life mission, then your mission probably is not big enough. What is your response to this?
• Should a life mission stretch and challenge you? To what degree? Do you think it’s possible for God to call you to a life mission that truly is beyond your capabilities?
• How do you feel about God’s promise to be with us always? In what ways is that a comfort for you?

Review the other 3 excuses
  • I'm spiritually unfit
  • No one will believe me
  • I'm afraid
• Which of the excuses do you, personally, find the biggest challenge as you consider your life purpose?
Are there other excuses you might make to avoid embracing a life mission to which God may be calling you?

Building Your Life Mission Statement: Part 4
  1. What tightly held excuses prohibit you from living God’s dream for you?
  1. Excuses aren’t always something we come up with on our own. Sometimes we claim self-limiting beliefs assigned to us by others. From what self-limiting beliefs do you need to break free?
  1. Becoming clear about your life mission statement means chopping away at excuses to follow the purpose God has for you. Take some time and write a prayer asking God to remove your excuses. List your excuses in the prayer.